Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Jones Giant Family Home Evening

November 23, 2009

Start your FHE at whatever time is convient for your family.

Please post your thoughts, comments and pictures to the blog at the completion.

Dinner: "My dinner suggestion is Taco Salads with brownies for dessert!!! It is quick, easy (especially if you use cans that are in your food storage liked diced tomatoes, olives, refried beans etc) and yummy!!! Looking forward to a fun evening!!! RaeAnne"

Each head of house hold.

As assigned by each head of house hold.

Opening song:
Children's song book #5- "I know my Father lives".

Veech Family


From Grandpa Jones ( See post below)

Kimball Jones family.

( See post below)

Closing Song: Hymn #219 "Because I Have Been Given Much."
Ammon Jones family

Family Prayer:

Write a building note to mail to someone in the family.

Haws Family
(Instructions below)

Please comment on the Blog at: www. We are excited to hear from you.

Lesson from Grandpa

Agency, Ranking, Differences and Change

Or, Observations of a Father


    Pride is not just feeling good about yourself, it's the feeling that you're better or smarter than someone else, and that you have more things than someone else. Anger is usually a main symptom of pride. Pride allows a person to judge another person's intentions before they are even expressed. Seldom are they correct. Pride causes people to think that they are better equipped to rule or govern others as a king or dictator. They even developed the idea of primogeniture, or the divine right of kings. It's amazing that people then, and present-day people still believe it. One of the first laws that the Founding Fathers changed was the English law that the oldest son inherited everything. However, the Founding Fathers couldn't change people's beliefs about the subject, and so many still believe they know more, depending on whether they are older than someone else. What I am saying, is that children sometimes grow up in a family thinking that they are ranked or valued according to the order in which they were born. It tends to show up after everyone in the family has become an adult. The older children in a family still tend to treat their brothers and sisters the same as they treated them before they were adults. You perhaps remember Aunt Pearl, being the oldest, told your mother how to fix a meal, even though your mother was sixty, and had already raised a family of twelve. You may think I am picking on you, Bryan, since you are the oldest, but this applies to everyone in the family. We shouldn't rank or value ourselves according to the order in which we were born. Your mother and I wanted each of you to know that we loved you as much as any of the other children. At least, that is what we tried to do.

    This in a way, brings up the subject of differences. I once read a heredity book on plants by Luther Burbank. He said that, "every seed is a new variety". In like manner, we can accurately say that every human being is "a new variety". There are none like each of you anywhere in all of God's creations. That's something to think about.

    Your "birth order" and the family you have grown up in have influenced you. Someone told the story of two sons who grew up with a father who was an alcoholic. After these two sons had grown to adulthood, one was an alcoholic and the other didn't touch the stuff. They were each asked, "why are you the way you are?" The one who was an alcoholic said, "well, what do you expect, my father was an alcoholic." The other son who didn't drink, said, "well, what do you expect, my father was an alcoholic." We all have the ability to decide for ourselves, or agency, despite our environment.

    If you have "normal" mentality, you can accomplish anything you wish. It just depends upon your mental attitude, and your stick-to-ability, to see it through. Don't be diverted. It doesn't matter how old you are, - even I can learn to play the piano at the ripe old age of seventy, - if I want to badly enough.

    And now the subject of change. Like individuals, there will be no other day like today. The weather, for example, has never been exactly like it is today, or tomorrow or any other day. (It has come close however.) You also will never have an identical day during your whole life. You may think that tomorrow you will be able to start where you leave off today, but you will find out that it doesn't work out that way. So, we need to get used to the reality of change.

    Now, I turn to the subject of your mother. I miss her. No one, excepting the Savior, has lived a perfect life. I don't believe, however, that anyone has tried harder than your mother to be perfect. We both had a limited amount of knowledge when we were married. Neither of us had any university course on parenthood. We both grew up in loving families (which were quite different) and had that experience. We knew right from wrong, and the principles of justice and mercy. We, like you, had the added blessing of being members of the Restored Church of Jesus Christ. So, I believe we had advantages that most people don't have. However, our parents passed on to us their methods of obedience training which each of you has had to deal with. You in turn, are making your own parental choices. No parents have it easy.    The greatest parental virtue you can develop is being slow to anger, or patience.

    As you know, my father died when I was nine. I don't have his thoughts on his philosophy of life, other than his good example. So I have written about 150 pages so far on my views on various things. I am sending you a small sample of what I have written, today. I also have been working on copying your mother's diaries and am sending you what she wrote in her "Treasures of Truth" book, which is an outline of her life until she graduated from Ricks College (1959). It is not her day-to-day diary.

    Most of all, I love and will love each of you forever…..Dad

Game Suggestions from The Kimball Jones Family

A few ideas we had for activities:

(1) Cat & Mouse: This is a well known game among Joneses. Mom really loved playing it. It's a tag game where everyone links arms with someone and there's one "cat" chasing one "mouse." To avoid being caught, the mouse may grab onto someone connected to a buddy. At that moment, the buddy of the person just grabbed by the mouse becomes the mouse and the cat chases that person instead. In the event the cat catches the mouse, they reverse rolls and the game goes on.

(2) Unconventional relay races: There are endless options to this activity. A few common run styles include the wheelbarrow (w/a buddy), the 3-legged race (w/a buddy & each w/one leg in a potato sack), holding an egg on a spoon (or fork if you want it to be really crazy), the crab walk (face forward with feet in front and hands behind walking on hands and feet w/bum just off the ground) and the bear crawl (on hand and feet, no knees).

(3) Board/Card games: Candy Land/Shoots and Ladders are favorites at our house--fun themes that young kids love. A couple of other non-competitive fun games Mom used to love playing were RACK-O and Old Maid. These options really work best for smaller families or when not everyone is present (3-4 people).

Love, Kimball

Treat- Oreo Turkeys Thanks Haws Family!!

We love to make oreo turkeys around this time of year:

24 Oreo Double Stuff cookies
12 miniature peanut butter cups
12 malted milk balls
1 cup candy corn
4 ounces chocolate frosting
4 ounces white frosting
red food coloring

1. Place one Oreo cookie as the base. Put one teaspoon of chocolate frosting on top.
2. Place one small peanut butter cup on it's side so that the top and bottom are perpendicular to the base -- and stuck in the frosting. Place a teaspoon of chocolate frosting on the top(widest part) of the p-butter cup.
3. For the second cookie. Stick some candy corn into the Oreo 'stuff' along one edge for the feathers -- pointy side down. They should fan out around the edge. If you have trouble doing this, you can help them stick with some white frosting.
4. Place this second Oreo cookie (the tail) on it's edge and sticking to a dab of brown frosting on the back of the peanut butter cup.
5. Place a dab of chocolate frosting on top of the peanut butter up (for the head). Place a malted milk ball on top for the head.
6. Take a small amount of the white frosting in a separate dish. Mix in red food coloring.
7. Use a toothpick with the white and red colors to place eyes, and wattle. You can pinch off the small pointy top of a candy corn and dip it in brown frosting for the beak.
Your turkey is complete!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Your invited!!

Dear Jones family,

After visiting with Grandpa we would like to invite you to join us for a Giant Jones Family Home Evening, November 23, 2009.

Grandpa is planning a Family Home Evening lesson for all of us.
You will receive a packet in the mail that will have this lesson and an outline for FHE.
We have asked half of the family to choose these activities and will ask the other half of the family to do the same if we decided to do this again.

We will even have a suggested menu for dinner that evening.
We would love to have you participate and feel the unity as we all do similar things the same evening.

After FHE we would love to have you go to the new blog and add your feelings, thoughts and any pictures you have taken during the evening. (

Please let us know of any ideas you have that might enhance this experience!
We love you!! Bryan and Mary (O:

September 13

Today is our aniversary. Forty-five years ago Mom and I were married in 1963. Lucky day. I miss her so very much. I try to keep busy. I know one of the reasons people from the other side of the veil aren't allow to visit those in their family. It would affect their (the family's) agency, as well as making it even harder for me to continue. I would surely break down.
You already know that she was a great valiant mother and continues to fulfill her mission. I pray that we will all make a concious effort each day to live the gospel and for you to teach your children the doctrine of the restoration. The doctrines develop testimonies. Sunday school is not enough. You must teach them the doctrine at home every week..
I love you and all and each of your children very much.............Dad